Nguan Chiang Sweet Soy Sauce 700ml

Nguan Chiang Sweet Soy Sauce 700ml

Tiparos Fish Sauce 300ml

Tiparos Fish Sauce 300ml

Squid Brand Fish Sauce 725ml

  • Authentic Thai fish sauce
  • Made from fresh anchovies and salt
  • Rich with natural protein
Availability: In stock

Squid Brand Fish Sauce is an authentic Thai Fish Sauce, made from fresh anchovies and salt, naturally fermented for 18 months to achieve high-quality fish sauce.

It is rich with natural protein, giving it a fragrant aroma and a clear, reddish brown colour. Its robust flavour ideal for stir-frying, marinating and for dipping. Free from monosodium glutamate, added colours or added preservatives. Available in 725 ml bottle.